Join us for the National Day of Prayer community event held at the Shannock Valley Community Park.
Prayer should never be a cold, boring speech meant to impress the people around us nor a ritual void of emotion, but rather a heart pouring out to the Supreme and Sovereign Creator and Ruler of the universe who is all-powerful yet all-loving and has inclined His ear to hear our prayers. If we truly care about the condition of our Country, if we are truly brokenhearted over the sinfulness and prayerlessness or our nation and the agendas and evil that has waged war against the One True God and those who would dare to faithfully follow Him, then our prayers will reflect the urgency, the priority, and intensity in which we are crying out to God. Crying out for Him to come and act in His power and glory to tear down strongholds across America and set us back on the path of righteousness for His great name’s sake!