At New Hope, you can expect to be loved, accepted, and cared for. We’re a close-knit family of faithful believers united together pursuing our vision to Gather, Grow & Go.
We meet to get to know God through His word, to worship Him, and to experience His Presence. We are equipped to live out our faith in Him by loving and serving those around us. Our hope is that everyone would know the good news about Jesus as they see Him through our lifestyle and hear about Him through our conversations and that they would choose to trust Him with their lives, too.
Most people experience New Hope for the first time during our 10:30 am Sunday service. You are welcome to arrive a little early to get a chance to meet some of our people and get settled in. If meeting new people is a bit overwhelming for you, feel free to sneak in a few minutes late to more so observe the service.
You’ll see people dressed in everything from their “Sunday Best” to comfy, casual clothes. There’s no pressure or expectation to dress any certain way. People might judge us by outward appearances, but God sees who we truly are. We strive to view you as God does.
The music you’ll hear will range from familiar old hymns to contemporary Christian music and everything in between. We use a digital projection system for song lyrics and rich multimedia during the message. You’ll see people praising and worshiping God freely in a variety of ways. You’ll hear solid Biblical preaching that will encourage, strengthen, comfort, and challenge you.
Services typically last around 1 1/2 hours. There are prayer teams available after every service if you have a special need. You can also hang out, meet new friends, and visit your church family in our spacious foyer before and after the service.
We also have a growth group ministry, so be sure to check out that page. These groups give you a chance to connect with people and grow together in your faith in a very comfortable and casual atmosphere.
We know you’ll enjoy your time with us. We look forward to welcoming you into our church family. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our church not covered here on our website.
Here’s more information on some of what you can expect in our services: