Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)
Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it.
As mothers, we have such a great responsibility and such an honor to be entrusted with the privilege of caring for and raising children in which the Lord designs as our offspring or has placed in our care. The idea of “Training Up” a child in the way he should go. Wow, that is a weighty word a huge responsibility that this person’s life is partially in your hands. But it is such a grand idea; to train a child the way he should go. I thought on this scripture and especially about the word “TRAIN” thinking it’s not just about teaching your child, but its more than that, its coaching, it’s guiding, its standing on the side line and cheering them on at times and it’s being there to encourage them and being there when they fail, but also to help them learn how to guard against hazards and see traps along the path of life. Sometimes we do have to let our children go; on their own and experience something’s on their own. I remember the first day of school for my first born and I had such an awful time letting him go and I was a nervous wreck the whole day thinking and wondering what he was doing and if he was would do something inappropriate or I don’t know just having a loss of control was a hard for me. But it got easier and had to trust that the Lord is watching over him. I’m sure that all you parents especially moms can totally relate to a time that you had to do this with your kids and you had to step back and trust and believe that the Lord was with them and the truths that you had instilled in them would be there when they needed them.
Think back to our verse it states: Proverbs 22:6(amp)
Train up a child in the way he should go [and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], and when he is old he will not depart from it. The portion:
[and in keeping with his individual gift or bent], I love this because it reminds us that every child is special and has unique needs and gifts and abilities that God put in them and there is reason that You are the one the Lord chose to be their parent so I feel that one of the most important things to do, as a parent is to seek the Lord about these things, to know how to best help “train” your child. Well we have all heard the phrase “children don’t come with instructions” and I have to say yes that when a child is born, instructions don’t come out along with them, but thankfully we do have an instruction manual; it is the Bible!! God’s word is our instruction manual for life and will even guide us on how to be a parent. Not only do we have a manual but we have a mentor, we have the Holy Spirit Himself who created our children who knows exactly what every child needs and what will be best for them.
This is the same way to think about any child that you have influence over in your life whether it be in teaching/student relationship, or maybe a grand parent/child relationship or even here in the church as an adult, whether you realize it or not the children here look up to you all.
I don’t know about you all but I am so thankful that we don’t have to do this alone and even those who are single parents you have the Lord to go to and He will be of more help than any human.
In closing we would like to take time and invite moms or dads to share a proud parenting moment! A time, where you witnessed your child, on their own, live out the truths that you have instilled in them.