[The below text has been machine translated and may contain errors. Please listen to audio for original and integral translation]
Pretty inviting, pretty exciting. Pretty ha, fire of gone. You can’t beat it. Can’t be that. I’ll tell you. I’m just going to put that down there. I don’t need any extra juice this morning. About do anyway. Um so um you know, coming in to this side, you know, we take a month or, or a week I guess seems like I prepare for months but anyway. Um, you know, just like any of us that ever spoke, you know, you kind of come like, what are you saying? Well, what do you want me to tell them today? And you know the thing and my prayer, and am I screwed up here and I am the great I am. That’s how you have to get all them. And I’m like, good god, well that’s really the one, the one sentence i’m done, you know, and I’m like, okay, well, what was that 9, you know? And so then I begin with some of the sermons of, of who the great I am is and you know, really opens her eyes when you just sit and just meditate on that very word. I am the grade I or he needs no explanation from us. He needs nothing from us. Like I’m like is like an all I’m like okay god, we make things so difficult. We, we sometimes seem to get that complexity which be complex. He said, I am the great I am because I am, there is no other question. There’s no other answer and I think is this humans is young person’s. We are even mature questions we, we want to have all the worlds and we wanna, we want to do all the right things in an order. But one, god speaks, guess what? There’s no order and he’s going to speak to this morning and not, you know, or I came here and prepared last night just by myself. Just praying. I believe the fire of god was just gonna fall on this place today. Over each one of you and I don’t know if it’s whoever is here, whoever needs to hear it. But I got calling out to moses this morning and, and, and I don’t know who you are and God only knows that. But I’m just going to tell you, he told me last night that you know what, as you’re preparing, i’m preparing someone that’s coming here today. They didn’t get out of bed and changed their clothes just to come to church to New mind pennsylvania. Okay. So with that said, we’re going to start in moses, it’s exodus 3. And I’m sorry I, I’m going to the eye doctor this week. I need bifocals. Oh my gosh. So I had, I just a funny thing real quick. I got a new cell phone cuz I ran mine over with the trailer in the truck. I was trying to do a good deed like a month ago. And I checked the box, my apple phone. I kept the box and now he’s like, well, what’s the serial number? And I’m like, I’m like, oh my God, I can run it and I’m like, I’m like, hold on him and I put the regular phone on me. I don’t do give me a re the number for me. I was like, I cannot see that then you know, and I’m like, oh my gosh. So anyway, forgive me. I got to wear the black do I can’t see either. And let me see what I this is my phone back there. Oh, I’m like. Okay. So I so excited with worship, i don’t even know my thought was maybe we need to people, people like that, put our phone down for facebook. We’re going to actually, I will talk about that here, but we’re gonna, we’re going to start next to this 3. This is motors in the burning bush, which many of you know the story. I’m going back to, you know, my kids are a little and I remember suzy in kids charts. She, she always did fun things and they made a flame. And, and, you know, when they all did that and they made it out of paper and the, you know, was, and I remember some of those things in the but my kids did that. They were just, they are there realistic, but they really mean something. And you know what, when you have a kids heart and you see that little crafter, that little thing, that little flame, that burning bush, it really sets you know, a thought process into effect. So many of you already know the story moses, so we won’t go into great detail, but I’m going to read through verse 15 and then we’ll be talking about it’s route and what I, what I felt love to share this morning. So. So when x, it is 3 moses in the burning bush, it says in chapter one. Now moses was tending the flock of jack jethro, his father in law, the priest of meridian. And he loved the flock to the far side of the wilderness and came to hare her up the mountain of god. There was an angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire. From within the bush, moses saw that though the bush was on fire, but it did not burn up. So if you can think of a burning bush in your like the middle of its burning and nothing else is, is burning. And it doesn’t, you know, turn to ash or rubble, you know, as we’re, we’re thinking of that. Um, I can picture that my mind to moses thought I will go over and see this strange sight. I mean, I can’t imagine, you know, you look over your, your turn the side, and that’s what we’re going to be talking about today. You know, how do we see those things of god? You know, when we see a burning bush are we going to turn aside and that’s what god wants us to see this morning. Are we going to turn aside from our, our normal ways? Are we going to be able to see that burning bush that that gets our attention? And so we’re gonna, we’re going to finish reading down through chapter 4 when the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, god called to him from within the bush, moses moses. And moses said, here I am. So he answered the Lord. He said, here I am and, and all this do in hand, god told him, don’t come any closer. God said, take off your samples for the place where you are standing as holy ground. You got to understand when they said take off your sandals, but that ground was holy. So the bottom of your sandals is typically dirty. You know, they’re tending flop, they’re in different, maybe feeds. These are are dirt that the bottom of their sandals. This is dirty. It’s, it’s on clean and forgot to take off your sandals for this holy ground that you’re standing on. He said, I am the god your father, the god of abraham, the god of isaac and the god of jacob had this. moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at god. The Lord said, I have indeed seen the misery of my people in egypt. I have heard them crying out because the slave drivers and I am concerned about their suffering. So I have come down to rescue them from the hand of the egyptians and to bring them up out of the land into the good and spacious plan, a land flowing with milk and honey. The home of can I hi type m are right. Because the rights of lights and deborah site, sorry about that. I did the best good on those. And now the cried, the israelites has reached me and I have seen the way the egyptians are oppressing them. So now go, I’m sending you to pharaoh to bring my people, the israelites out of Egypt. But moses said to God, who am I that I should go to pharaoh and bring these israelites out of Egypt. And God said, I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that this is I who have said to when you have brought the people out of Egypt, your worship god on this mountain. moses said the god, suppose I go to the israelites and say to them, the god of your fathers has sent me to you and they asked me, what is his name? What shall i tell them? God said the moses, i am who I am and that’s what we’re going to talk about today. That who is god, who, who is this great, I am. You know, um this is and that’s what he told him to say. I am has sent me to you and then in 15, god says also said the moses say to the israelites, the Lord, the god of your father’s, god of abraham, the god of isaac, in the god of jacob has sent me to you. And Uh, you know, so, or who are we going to say, you know, commission me, I’m going to tell that the noise being got has a purpose and god’s response to moses. It didn’t seem like it would have brought more confusion. I mean, I can’t imagine you know, what have to do to the Boys. And I mean, I tried to put myself in those shoes. I mean, which I got some not, you know, obviously in that story but, but if you think of that you are most that you could be in that story. I mean, um, but the thing is is um, sometimes when, when I hear i’m getting, I gotta get these glasses i can see. Okay. I understand they like it. It would have brought more difficult challenge. But if you’re sure a word, but what moses didn’t understand what that god was willing to define himself or create a boundary around who and what he was. But that moses if he agreed the follow. And if he agreed to go, he would find that god was more than enough. So god refused to limit his his definition. You know, sometimes I think we limit god and what we think. You know what we do. Um, you know, how many of us can and can say this morning, you know, do you believe god can do power from miraculous things? Do you believe that this morning? Do you believe that he is the great I am? Do you believe that this morning if you would believe that god as a plan for your life? If the great I am and the god almighty we just saying about and not every song this morning want, he wants to do something in your life. Perhaps we can, we can get through this day and take the leap of faith this morning, but it’s going to take you knowing that, hey, you know what, we got to know god. First, we got to know god 1st before we can even know who we are in christ. You know a lot of times um You know, we uh I think goodness they in society. So you know, we are tasked with the responsibility of knowing who god is. We need to, to go out to this world of this great commission. Who will you say he is? You know, when you describe somebody I do this to Rob all the time. I say, do you remember them? They used to be this person at basketball and they used to run p T O, and they used to do this at the number. Know them. I say this to me all the time and he goes, I have no idea who you’re talking about. And I’m like really you do, you do know them like, I mean, you know, so like obviously I know them and um and I know he knows them, but he can’t remember people’s names. So if he ever does that to you, forgive them because he really just does not remember people’s name. Um. But the thing is is who could we if someone said who is your god, how would we respond? Think of that this morning. What would your answer be? What was your answer be? And that’s what we’re going today. I want you to start thinking like, who is your god? Who is this most powerful god who, who created the heavens in the earth, who redeemed you from the pit of hell? Who gave you life that you can live eternally? Who is this god, do we know this? God. Like who are you going to? If somebody came up to you on the street? Nice, think of this. So actually I was kind of laughing. You know, when I was kind of reading through some of this and I added stuff and took stuff out love, you know, and I’m like, I could be like, not to fox News. You know, I don’t agree with all the stuff. So it’s not about that. But you know, they go around and they ask the people on the street, they say who, who is, you know, home? So the, but if I went around in the neighborhood or said, hey, can you tell me who your god is? Would you have an answer? You know this day and age we need to know who we are in christ and what we are set apart to do for his great commission. So we, so we know their god, their god shall be strong and do exploits. And then right here I just wanted to tell you what kind of exploits means in the English here. It says it’s a work i’ve read, redemption, redeeming, saving, reaching, calling, preaching, teaching, redemption. It is, it’s a, it’s a hard work. I mean, we’re to go out of these walls that these in any church. We are the church outside these wall. So we need to know who we are in price 1st. We can’t go out and profess the name of jesus. If we don’t know the name of jesus, we don’t know who he is, who we serve. Okay. So, but it’s a work and it’s, it’s common, the harvest is coming. And we need to get, you know, it’s a difficult path. Nobody wants to maybe stand up here, you know, honestly, I don’t mind talking to the people, but why don’t know be on Facebook, not really, but anyways, I’m just saying, but it’s such a rewarding work to redeem the purchase. And God has called us in this very day and age to do the work of redemption. We know they’re god or our god shall be strong and do exports to do those things. Now that the challenges that we can’t, like sometimes we get the cause and effect in a, in a different order. You know, we gotta do them in a, in a god the order. And rob always tells me that I do stuff out of order. Well, I do stuff out of order sometimes just not knowing the right order but, but the heart and the intentions. Good about moving like lines in the grass and, and on a powerful weed eater person. So he, he always tells me that. But anyways, I’m just the but any anyways, but with that being said, he always says even to the kids, you know, they do, yard work, don’t take the short cuts, don’t take the short cuts. How many times do we do a task? And we, we, we think of something shorter to get it, not to get it over with because we’re like, okay, this is boring. My kids say that dude latham back there. He’s a, you know, he wants to hurry up, buzz through it and get it done because because he want to, you know, he figures out a short cut. But the thing is, is we can’t take a short cut with god. You know, we can’t get there until you 1st make the stop at knowledge of god. First, we gotta acknowledge, god, you’ve got to know god, the people that know god will be strong and be able to do those things in greatness. There’s no short cut around the knowledge of god. You can’t circumvent the process. And that’s what rob always says. spending time with god’s presence. You can’t step around the fact you got to spend more time in prayer and fasting. How many times we fat? How many times are we hungry for the word of god? For, for things in our lives to be changed? You know, and really you can’t step wrong. The idea you’ve got to be in god’s word. You can’t just say, well, I want to be strong and do those things, but you’re not feeding yourself the word of god. You’re not getting yourself the truth. You’re not asking god, it’s not out of our strength. We do anything. It’s all out of god strength that we can do all things. Right. Right, exactly. And you know, the thing is, is a lot of times I don’t want you to, you know, get this confused. The faith without works is dead or is dead. We cannot do anything if we don’t have faith in god to do it. Right. Exactly. So god said that the people do those activities, the people, the get to be a part of the, you know, the group no thought. In order to do that, we’ve got to know, god, that presents the unique challenges. We live in a culture society where social nor is the norm. You know, you can look it’s dictated by data. It shows no distance, but it comes with instant delivery. And the benefit comes at no cost of intimacy, you know, which I thought of in a, you know, a great example. This is, you know, relationships now today. I mean, I look at provenance relationship going, way back in, lisa can, can 10 all the people in our age group, we didn’t have cell phones, guess what? You had to spend time with them people and call them on the phone and actually take time. So I know you could be doing 2 or 3 things and be on your phone, you know, and you actually enjoyed spending time with them. You’ve got to know them. You got to know what they were like, what their demeanor was. Like when they’re talking to you, you knew that they were either mad at you. They were loving to you. They were accepting of you on the Internet and you know, you could write to somebody and you know what is taking the wrong way, taking way out of contact. But we’re a society that we need, that it shouldn’t be our norm asked 1st you or are norm should be, you know, um if, if you look, you know, even on Facebook, i mean, and I’m guilty of this, I am not standing here saying that I don’t look at facebook and, and there’s people that I haven’t seen or heard, but I bet. Yeah, I could tell you what they had for breakfast. What they did yesterday. How many kids they have, how long they’ve been married, how, how, who they’re dating now, you know, you know what I mean, you know, their whole life by reading a facebook post. And then you look at their, their profile. Like if you want to know anything, what they like, where they’ve been, what music. I mean, it’s amazing how much you can learn about somebody on that social media, you know, and I think, you know, it, it’s, it’s a detriment, it’s a detriment, it’s a distraction from god. You know, it’s better. I thought to myself, I, you know, maybe that’s going to be one of my things that maybe, you know, I limit that, you know, I took care of what goes on around me in the world. I really don’t. And I don’t know, you know, sometimes I think we’re getting that rock we get in that. But boy, if we just had a facebook that just had the holy bible where we’re just open in that quick and that facebook button here comes always bible. Here comes a scripture, here comes with god telling us today, instead of what the world you know distorting. So that takes away so much intimacy relationship. I and I use that just because it’s, it’s day and age. It’s today. It’s in our face. You know, and I was grateful of my kids grew up, they didn’t have built until 7th grade. So I felt like I was able to move them in elementary School. Now these kids are getting phones and 2nd grade. You know, I mean, I don’t know if I’m sure I have something to say when I burn kids, I don’t know. It’s easier when you’re kind of looking in instead of doing it, I think. But we’ll see how that goes. I don’t know, some of us are already in that and I it’s, it’s, it’s probably, I don’t know something but um, but sometimes we get to involved in the things that isn’t gonna grow us and the Lord, you know, we want to have that intimacy, that prayer that fasting, and, and those things rob us of that. So I mean, even with instagram, same thing. There’s so many platforms now that just, it just takes away. So if we’re not, um, excuse me, hold on a 2nd. So if we’re not careful too sometimes, you know, or I think, you know, if you it’s easy to say, oh I follow that pastor, i follow that path or I go to church every week. We can be distorted with social media as well. You know, what? I got news for you and I was when I was praying about this sermon, i said, god, you know what? I think sometimes just because we’re friends with a christian friend or somebody that’s read the bible that’s very knowledgeable in the bible, guess what? They’re not getting us to have and they’re not got a ticket. They haven’t, they may be your best friend on Facebook. You might have grown up with them. You might go to church every week. That’s not your ticket to have it through your friends. You know, they can be, they can be that a foundation that that’s a word of knowledge to speak into your life. That ain’t going to get you there. It isn’t going to get you there. Someone else’s face and salvation does not get to, to have an internal life is what I put the only way is a personal relationship. That’s that intimacy, that prayer, that fasting. That warning, that that eagerness to know who god is. Um so you can’t rely on that, you know, we’re missing out when we’re not connecting with god. And it’s the greatest opportunity that god could ever present because god, not nearly as interested about who I know it’s not a popularity thing. God cares less who I know. It does not matter to him. He wants to know if I know him and what my relationship is with him. And I know god says I can bring strength. He can bring strength into my life. I can bring authority into my life through him. I but he brings power into my life. So I can direct to my past life on a path of purpose. He has for me, but I can’t do it if I don’t know him. Our quest is a no god to parent fasting and we need to honestly there’s a call for that now more than ever is we should corporately be fasting even or yourself because fast thing is is when when they describe fasting. Because when, when you fact you begin to deny yourself, when you begin to deny this flash, that, that once all the attention, this flush that once all of its own purposes attended, the flush set that its own plan. It has its own plan, your flesh. It’s your own desire, but when we attend to that that we don’t fear off the plan that god has for us. But when we get to know god, we sacrifice our flesh. That is a part of us that begins to hunger or hunger. You know, the natural, you know, you can go to the grocery store and they always say, don’t ever go to the store when you’re hungry because that’s true. You buy everything there. Uh huh. That’s why that, that pickup is very good. Do you know the grocery pickup so you don’t go in there and either you know, cuz everything looks good, you know? And that’s the way of the world. You know, everything looks good from the outside. But you know, that is empty. That we’ll get to know where that’s emptiness. There’s loneliness, there’s the see. You know, so many things that we rely on today. It doesn’t come from god and it’s empty. There’s people in this world that are so depressed and anxiety, and stricken by the things of this world because we have viewed off that we have not sacrifice ourselves to God. He says that he’ll do all things, give us all things. But we need to sacrifice us. We need to guide our flesh. Um, so let me see where I’m at. But we need to hunger for the holiness of god. There’s a part of us that begins to hunger for the greatness of god and will not be satisfied until we get ahold of that. That that’s wrong. That gets us to hold his hand, gets our ear to his voice. We will not be satisfied in the place and the moments we get to know god, we get to know him in his power. We get to know him in fellowship of his suffering. We get to know god on the mountain top places. But there’s some valley places that we feel his hand to hear his voice like we never heard before. It’s in those seasons. The gods allow that to know him. There’s this hunger in our church family. I don’t know if you been notice in but the last couple months of church being here in the presence of the Lord and worship and sermon there. Is there something brewing in the spirit that god is moving it and when I was here last night, praying for the service, I felt a fire of god, just re lease and this place I couldn’t even move. I stood here in all of the Lord last night and I’m like, oh my gosh, like, I was like, you know, I’ve been kind of zone down for a minute like I didn’t even really know kind of where I was. But I was in the presence of god because you know what, all those things and things heidi’s and fears. They found law when you’re in the presence of the god that we serve, those things go away. There. They’re no, no longer that number one, speed on Facebook or that number one thing on your mind. There’s things fade away in the presence of the Lord. And that’s where I want to be. I want to be in the presence of the Lord. I want to be in that place, even if it was a moment. I want to see, I want to have those burning bushing town or I want god to say, hey, home over here, wake up, wake up, you know, but we need to turn the aside from those things that means turn away from our worldly thing and turn to God, you know, we need to make that, that conscious effort. And sometimes it takes you move in your foot and turn into god, when he’s saying move, we gotta move. We gotta move. Or and you know, when those seasons of dryness he’s there, he’s in the badly when you’re struggling. You know this and um, we need to begin to declare who god is. And what god is that comes rude and not just from the lyrics in our songs that we sing. It isn’t just part of something we think because we’ve been joy that and I’ll tell you a lot of time. You know, god speaks through worship. A lot of his worship songs, i think some people think that we just come up here and sing song, but those songs are all scriptural. If you break down a song, there is a scripture in there. That is the word of god you’re saying, and you are declaring that you don’t even maybe realize what you’re declare and But you begin to sing the song because there’s something in US that begins to realize that he is mighty god as an awesome god. And he is great, are we reading the word all of a sudden something flooded into our spirit. And this and that season of loneliness. We got to know that he was a friend. And he says in the bible that he sits closer than a Brother. And the season of weakness, we felt strength, calm. We can’t walk by ourselves. We could. But you’re not gonna read what god has for you. But we got in his presence and all of a sudden there was a spring in our step. You know, when, when you have the Lord, there’s a spring in your step. You begin to stand up and you are not gonna fall. Right. You, you begin to war, you begin to rise up in the spirit of the Lord. You know your shoulders go back, you begin to declare what I know had a little bit better than I did a while ago. Why in the season events and missy, we get to know and when we get to know are gone, it allows us to walk through some difficult passages. God allows us to walk some of those difficult trials. Because where is he at? And then with the trial, he tells us, I will be with you. He will be with you in that valley. He is with you when your walk in on the high, when you’re in the low, he’s there. He never leaves us. He says now the last song i you know, he will not for say you, you know, um, trial is coming our life. He’s trying to destroy me. Know, he’s trying to bring you closer, closer to him. So you put, you know, what, when we don’t have to rely on the Lord. It’s easy, not the pray. It’s easy to skip, you know, prayer time or fasting or worshiping. It’s easy to do that. One things are going good. But my gosh, when something goes bad and facebook life, so pray can you pray for so, and so can you pray for sound? So, and I honestly can say when I see that I take a moment and pray write that. So I don’t, you know, missed i don’t know what’s going on in any situation, but god knows, you know, but he’s in the midst of every battle. And you know, the question for you this morning, will you fall or will you stay on? God says that, stay on an ever in the battle. What on your arm or you know, we’ve gone over that before passers the just he did that sermon, not too long ago putting on the arm or fits your battle plan, you know? But it says one, everything else fails, guess what he tells you to do. And the end of that 3rd will you fall, but he’s telling you, God says to stay on stand firm and my word. Stay on there and say god, you know what? I know that you are with me. You are for me. You are not against me. Those things will come the back. So we can’t fall, we can’t sit down, we can’t say. So we need to know, are you hungry this morning for god, for what he has for us? Are we going to just be comfortable sitting here at at New hope? No, we are a people of god. The god says this church was set apart. Not that any other churches, not either they, they have prophetic words as well when I and I pray for every church to be filled in this valley. It’s not about just one church. Ok. But I’m just saying one god sets out. But we need to be know him, we need to be ready. God wants to to know us. He wants us to, to know him. God knows already. He knows everything. When the scripture speaks about god and what we know. But you know, we know that they’re got, oh my gosh, hold on a 2nd. I can’t read my own chicken scratch here. Um, you know, when we talk about the word of god, it comes from the root word, meaning kings, man, or family. The word picture that gives us a picture of someone laying down beside another. I’ll just tell you right now, you know, there’s a few people in your life that are gonna lay beside you that are going to come with you along with you during those trials. That you face, and that’s called a church that’s called a family of god. And I’ll tell you honestly the years I’ve been a christian, i can imagine walked in and out without a family. church of people believing. If You need a church, you need your body and we need each other This morning. I just one want you to think of that says we’re talking about intimacy that that’s what draws us to know him more that speaks about this sense of safety. The sense of loyalty, but it doesn’t speak to us very much about running straight. speaks about quite a side makes us to lie down in green pastures where god restores our soul a place where bod allows us in the deep per season of life to connect with him to know him and say, god, you’re breaking me, you’re destroying me. There’s a part of my life that’s being ruined right now, but in god, his own invitations. So begins to let us know it’s not to destroy you. It’s so that you can know me and that people know me can be strong and do thing exploits. He says, which we already went over, what that meant. You feel so weak in those moments and those moments a weakness is replaced by strength of the Lord that you did not know on your own. And those we can say no one else around you. And you think I’ve been left alone and nobody cares about me. God allowed that season in your life because if people weren’t around you to listen To their voice and God wants to hear. He wants you to lay beside him. He wants to come for you. He wants to strengthen you, he wants to raise people in your lives that are detrimental. He wants to bring people into your life to come alongside you and see you be the best you can be in him, he has a plan. He has a purpose for each one of us. They shall know that I am the Lord their god and they should know that You know, and, and there’s different scriptures, it will go on and say like 5 a 58 he, he said take me daily to like to know my ways, you know, how many you know, are we seeking him daily? Are we in the search for knowledge of god that we can have in our lives, the hunger and the desire to know him in power and authority? Are we ready to take that authority today? That’s the wordy that the jesus gave you. He gave you the spirit of god that lives in you, or you have the power of authority to remove. Now you have the power and authority to pray for the sick and then see that the reveal you have the prayer of faith in you the lead people to jesus. Are we ready to do that? Because the great commission is here. I’ll tell you there is a time right now that the world is falling apart. But guess what? Are gods not? And he never will. And honestly, and that’s what I hold on to when you see the news. I don’t even watch it hardly anymore because it’s like, it’s crazy. It’s, it’s crazy because you know what? I don’t want to be sidetracked. I want to know that god as a plan and the purpose for me, and that’s good, not evil, declared the Lord. Right? So we need to hold onto those promises a god, we need to see god. We need to know him. We need to be rooted in him. And we do that through prior fasting. And we need to, to give over to John. We need to quit holding onto the things that keep us back that hold us back. There’s so many things that hold us back and, and you know, we just pick some place that we get comfortable. You know, it’s a time not to be comfortable. We can’t be comfortable and do the things of god. That’s one god moves is when we step out of the comfort zone. When we turn away, make that physical turning away from that’s in that addiction that whatever is holding us back. You know, we need to turn away from it. We need that’s in the past. I’m going forward. I’m going to say to the Lord, when I see the, you know, a pretty important down or hey, ami or ami or use me. But if God can’t use me, if I’m dry, god can’t use me. If I don’t even know the word of god, if I don’t know who he is, who I am and cry before I even knows who I am in christ. I need to know who he is. You know what he says about me, or what he says that he’ll do for me. What he’ll, you know, we have a permission to do, and it’s not just to live this life out. You know, and I think sometimes you just get comfortable, feel comfortable in that. All right. Talk to with my hands again. Okay. But we can’t be distracted. You know, and that’s the thing. I mean, I think sometimes is obviously easy to be distracted. You know, You know, in the things of the world, but they have to leave us on our own. You know, we want to, the thing this morning is it’s hunger and a desire that you can fabricate with anything that the world has to offer. But it’s gotta be something that you get from his words. How can we cleanse our ways? Now, you know, I’ll tell you how getting the word and they’re walking and becoming more like god. He, when he put the word up and it becomes like a looking glass, did you see yourself and the word will speak to you? The word will talk to you. The word will bring intimate moments in your life. You will need the word of god. We need, we need that voice to speak to us The invitation that god offered to moses gives us the thing clear insight that who god was 1st. But he needed moses to understand something about himself before he could even do that. Next it is 3. If you go back to the beginning of the chapter and verse 3, But the Lord it says now moses kept the flock of jessica and he led the flock to the backside of the desert. So if that pitcher he’s on the back side of the desert, it came to the mountain, the god and the angel of the Lord appeared to him. And that’s lame. A fire out of the midst of the bush. The scripture goes on saying that the bush consumed was not consumed. So when we talked about that earlier, if, you know, can picture that. Obviously it’s the middle of the bush burning and the bush rested, nothing burning and disintegrating. And that was the spirit of the Lord. Obviously there the angels are um and then moses said I will turn aside, i will see the great site. God will go through great lengths to get your attention. And sometimes we’re at that word that place. You know where we need that burning bush encounter, we need that fire work to say wake up. It’s time, it’s time to turn away from those things of the world. And he’s trying to get our attention and sometimes we need that encounter. I hate to say it, but then sometimes if we don’t he does a 1st encounter. Guess what? It’s telling me it again and you know, I, I know a lot of times I, I pray for stuff and I ask god to speak to me and, and, and I want to hear his voice on different things. And in the past i’ve heard stuff and it’s like, okay, is that me? Is that my flash or is that god? You know we, we tend to reason with our cell. But you know what? The next time it comes, one at one god. And then, you know, maybe he speaks everybody just, you know, I don’t know what that is for everybody. It might be, you know, in a quiet room and your prayer closet in your car worshipping, whatever that is. But you know what, what god wants to get your attention. He speaks louder. He does to me the 1st time I didn’t hear it. I didn’t turn away. I didn’t, I didn’t hearken my year to him. But the next time I hear it, it’s louder. And you know what the thing is is, is I think to myself, thank you for, for not giving up. Hey, needed to tell me something, guess what? I didn’t get it the 1st time a darn of 5 did the 2nd 5, you know, and I think sometimes we, we are like that we, we say, oh God isn’t gonna forgive me. God isn’t gonna he only god is, you know, he’s probably tired of hearing from me. How many times we getting that run, you know, why no says prayer, pray without ceasing. That means without stopping. That means pray until that thing comes back. So you know that whole goal out there, he says that every week, guess what? We’re believing that every envelope is off of that off of that. And you know what? That’s in god’s timing, but it doesn’t mean that god isn’t going to do it. That means that he’s going to do it in his time whenever, when, you know, but he, we can’t stop praying for that need and, and believing for that need. I mean, it said we already went through it, it says stay on. What are you going to do and when things don’t work out, that’s what we’re going to stay. And that’s what he says to do. He don’t say run away from it. And he don’t say deny. If he don’t say, you know, he says no, you stay and you stay on on my promises. And he will bring those things to come to pass. But we have to be rooted in him. We have to know who’s got it. We have to know that he’s on our side, we have to know those things. Um, you know, a lot of times um, you know, I thought this is kind of funny. I was reading through different sermons and, and they were talking about being a catalyst in a service. And I was thinking, catalyst catalyst. Well, you know, that’s somebody that kind of, you know, kind of ignite the fire. You know, when steve introduced me, I’m thinking of the US, you know, the catalyst on the basketball border. But anyways, but you know, Oh, joking aside on that. So when you think of our service, I mean when I think of the catalyst i’m, I’m thinking a, sharon, you know, sharon and worship she is a to catalyst for the Lord. She ushers in the presence of the dog, and I can feel it almost every week whether i’m sitting back there or not standing up here. And you know what? Because she’s denied herself. She’s denied her self and she surrendered it all to the Lord. And you know what, and that is is that is the heart of worship that the heart of god and you know what? It’s not saying that any of us are like that. But you know what if I went over there and, and probably push chair and or not stir. I don’t even know if she didn’t knowledge me when she’s worshiping. She is in the true presence of god. She’s ushering in that presence around her. And that’s what we need to do. We need to come in here sunday, man, we should be like the day. You know, how many times do we do that? No, we just get out of bed. Oh my gosh. I made the, you know, but the but I just don’t since then I came to church with that with me that bag jack buried in the air. We need to stop this if it’s in the parking lot. I went on the parking lot last night price for the parking lot. You would drop the package off with this property. So you would come in here, ready to be filled by god or you know, and the thing is is what is that? That’s, that’s just an act of faith that saying, you know what, god on this place. You know, just like in the bible one he said, jesus said to moses, going back to that your sandals off. This is holy ground. This is all the ground. Whatever you come in here, start dropping it off on the road. We don’t want anything on this property of god because this is god. This is god’s presence. And we want to assure that in, you know, those things of the world. The law render to God this morning. You know, because he wants you to know who the great I am it and he will go with any like for you to know that you know, and I believe that that he’s not done with any of us. He’s not finished with with whatever plan. He has for each one of our life. What time we got o D. I’m going past path to Steve time. Well, sorry, I’m almost done. I’m really almost done. Um but um, but anyways we need that holy ghost to just have an encounter with each one of us. And you know what? When you are in the presence of god, guess what? You don’t even think of those things. Those things are, are vague those things. So those are all in, in, in the distance We need, we have a generation that, you know, is, is gone this way that way. You know, there’s too many, there’s choices and God will give you a choice to follow him. To lay down your self and follow him. But guess what? He hasn’t got to do for us. He is going to do it for us. He wants you this morning to make that commitment to christ. Um. So if, if you’re in this room and, and, you know, we talked about, you know, moses if, if God would come up to you, what would you say? What would you say this morning? Would you say, as you know, is it who is your god? So you’re going to have an answer. You know, um or is it gonna take something in your life to turn things around to get your attention? You know, one last thing. Before I close here, you know, god says, and in that 1st that he will be with us. He will go with us. We’re never alone in this journey called life. You know, and in verse 11, as some of us know that we, we know who we are in verse 11. moses said the god, it sounds like we’ve asked all these questions with words who and I and I am this morning, but you can track a few minutes here and just think moses set on god, who am I that I should go in the pharaoh and bring forth the children of israel and he goes back and you know, god gives them the permission to do um, but god is with you. wherever god is called you to go in to do. It doesn’t matter who you are in matters that you are right here and that you are mine. You know, the thing is, is that we turn from our ways and we hearken to the voice of god. No matter what we, we think we can’t do in our, our own flush because we can’t. But in the strength of the Lord we can do all things. So if he’s commission, you to do something to help somebody to go pray for somebody in your life. I am not a prayer warrior, i can not go pray for them. I mean, pastor steve has shared many times, I mean a dollar general, you know, he gets in his car and God tells him lease is add this in town or before you know what god tells you to do something, I guess what you’ll speak louder. The next time you better go do it. You might have gotten your car and got your seat belt on the god. Say it all buffle back though. Do what I told you. Or, you know, and we’ve all had occurrences like that, but I think we need to be more aware of who god is and don’t limit him and those little things don’t limit him to sunday morning. Like, I’m guilty of that too. Sometimes you get out of here and I’m like okay, checkmark trips done today. Got that in. Now I don’t want to be that person. I don’t wanna be like that. Ok. sunday mornings here and it’s a check mark that I did my duty. No, I didn’t do my duty because I came in here empty. I came in here with nothing to give the god you know, whether I grumbled or complained this morning for I even die here. How does an honor that he does not honor that? So you know what, I think we need a mind change this more. We need a hard change. We need to know if you are asked, will you go by the Lord, will you go? Will you go out of these walls? Will you profess my name? Will you tell them of me? Are we, are we ready to do that? Because it’s a great calling and it’s coming. And it’s coming to New hope and all these churches in this area. And um, you know, with pastor steve coming back full time, you know what? That’s only the beginning of what god opening. And I’ll tell ya as an elder board when we, we have that decision. And I’ll tell you what you’re sitting there, go on. Okay. Gosh, we have like 50 people in our congregations are 60 okay, like if we got to pay this pay, you know what? That’s not for us. figure out, guess what? We said, you know what we’re going to go. We’re going to take a month and we will decide and we will pray and fast. Guess what the census was when we come back in a month 30 days. It doesn’t matter. We’re getting out the boat or you know what? The thought is in it. Nothing can be against it, like so, you know what? And we did and we’re seeing the Fruit of just being obedient for being obedient to turn away and, and hark and the voice of god. You know, and there’s good things to com. Thank you. pass for all you do. I don’t know how you do it because I was dressed for one way for one. No. But I appreciate all you do. Believe me? Yes yes. Give them a hand. Yeah. But um, so this morning and closing, we’re going to have communion and the altars are open if you know if you’re at that place. And so you know, I’ve got I’ve had many burning bush encounters. I’ve had that encounter that god saying wake up, wake up. There’s more to do, let’s not be comfortable where we’re at. Because comfort don’t get you anywhere while you’re on comfortable. Guess what? gods in it. God did it. And every move, was it on comfortable? Not knowing. Not knowing a lot of things. I mean, he left the job with, you know, Right and Sure, and to just, you know, in a nutshell there was a lot of consideration. But you know what? He said, no. I believe the calling a god as now is now. He didn’t say it’s going to be in 6 months. You didn’t say a year. But you know why he heard the voice of god. He had a month to pray and fast as a family do. And many of you don’t know sometimes what goes on behind the scenes. But you know what? We believe when we hear the voice of god that we want to be a church that runs. We want to him not away from him. We want to run to him, we want to see what he has purpose and plan for this community for each one of us for each one of our families. You know, we want to hark in that voice of god. You know, and if it, sometimes it takes that, you know, hey, you know, wake up call. You know, what god says, i’ll be with you. If he’s taken you to it through it, he’ll be with you. So we need to just remember that this morning. You know, um, so I have one more um well, I’m just gonna, I’m gonna pray right now and then we’ll we’ll go in the communion. But if there’s anyone here that doesn’t know the Lord or just wants to rededicate their self to the Lord. It’s just between you and God Is between you and God this morning. And all you have to say is god, you know, I acknowledge that you sent your son jesus to die on that cross for me, for my sins, for certain, for lord that I don’t want to live in the past. I want to live now. I want to live for you, jesus, lord, I just pray that you would increase the intimacy and those people and your children, lord, that have called on your name already. As your lord and savior, i pray that you are an increase of your power at 40 to do those things that you call them to do. And lord, I pray for even the young christians are christians that don’t, you know, people that don’t know you this morning I prayed, father guy that you would just in town or send in a town or a wake up call lord to them. Because you loved each one of us, you love us, lord, so much that you gave your son to die on abroad. And lord, I pray this morning, god that we would would, would re dedicate, we would give ourselves to you. We would surrender our last to you lord and father god that we would want that intimacy. That relationship. father god and lord: I just pray: father: god is we prepare our hearts for communion this morning. communion with you, jesus communion, to, to, to remember your true sacrifice god for us or the Lord. I just pray this morning. God lord, if there’s a moses here that needs to to know who, who god really is Have an encounter with the Lord. I just pray lord, right for them right now. I pray father, god, lord, that you’re saying this morning. More that you have not forgotten. You have not forgotten them. lord, there’s someone here. The god is speaking to you right now and I feel like god is saying, I am not finished. I have just started and you keep your eyes and you’re focused upon me. lord, whoever that is, I pray that you feel them right now with your spirit. fillum lower to overflowing, lowered through them right now. lord, I just prayed, father, god, lord, that we would dig deeper, that we would have that intimacy with you guy that we would want to know you. father got deeper that we can go out and, and profess to your word Or be forever praise you in. Thank you. God Maybe that you this morning that saying god, you know what? It’s been a long time. It’s been a long time. God. And I want to get back on the right path. It’s not too late. It’s not too late. side of saying, come, come my children And I’ll meet you right where you’re at. Nor do we just pray For things that you are doing things that you’ve done. lord and as we go for for the that you would help each and every one of us die. Just help to remember that you are god you are with us. You are for us, you’re not against us in our.